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FA1.2 Transfer

The FA1.2 Transfer feature in Beacon SDK allows token transfers following the FA1.2 standard in Tezos blockchain applications. This standard pertains to fungible tokens, similar to ERC-20 in the Ethereum ecosystem.

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import { TezosToolkit } from "@taquito/taquito";
import { BeaconWallet } from "@taquito/beacon-wallet";

const Tezos = new TezosToolkit("");
const wallet = new BeaconWallet({ name: "Beacon Docs" });


const address = await wallet.getPKH();
if (!address) {
  await wallet.requestPermissions();

// Connect to a specific contract on the tezos blockchain.
// Make sure the contract is deployed on the network you requested permissions for.
const contract = await
  "KT1PWx2mnDueood7fEmfbBDKx1D9BAnnXitn", // For this example, we use the TZBTC contract on mainnet.

// Call a method on the contract. In this case, we use the transfer entrypoint.
// Taquito will automatically check if the entrypoint exists and if we call it with the right parameters.
// In this case the parameters are [from, to, amount].
// This will prepare the contract call and send the request to the connected wallet.
const result = await contract.methods

// As soon as the operation is broadcasted, you will receive the operation hash
return result.opHash;